VBS 2020


Summer programming for the children in our community has taken quite a hit this year! But St. James Church remains committed to offering religious-themed opportunities for kids even when we can’t gather in person. Sadly, our traditional Vacation Bible School camp is not an option this summer. Instead, we are offering a series of crafts, activities and snacks kids can do at home. Whenever you need an idea for a fun, kid-friendly activity, just check us out!

Each week on our web site, you’ll find a different activity accompanied by a message reinforcing God’s love for everyone. Materials for each craft, activity or snack should be easy to find around the house. Instructions, a list of materials, helpful hints and photos of finished products will be provided. 

We hope you and your kids enjoy these offerings. If you’d like to share any pictures of your family’s participation, we’d love to see them!

For questions, comments or to share photos, please email us at vbs@stjameschurchdowningtown.com