Carol Ferrari Stewardship Message
I’m Carol Ferrari. I live at Freedom Village. I’ve been at St James since the drive-in services that were held outside in the parking lot during the covid shut down.
I am a senior citizen. Why is the future of St James so important to me both as a newer and an older member?
Being a senior member, I don’t have time to waste in not being close to God. I need a church to come to each week to refresh my soul. And so here I am at St James.
I feel that I bring with me the experiences I have had along the way as an Episcopalian, and that it is important for me personally to be here now as we continue with Father Richard to build the church.
What do I see in the future of St James? How can we get there?
A few weeks ago, we had a baptism at the 10:15 service. The church was full. It was amazing, wasn’t it?
I felt the Spirit of the church. I felt the Holy Spirit among us. I hope we can have the joy of worship together like that every week.
For some, that Spirit will flow with them out of the church into attending a Bible study — or an extra service on a Holy Day — bringing a friend — introducing a new family — or pledging regularly and faithfully in support of our leadership and maybe a little more in gratitude for that spirit.
It’s joining the Altar Guild or serving as an acolyte. Maybe it’s going to coffee hour for the first time, or hosting one. It’s supporting one of the fellowship opportunities being offered to us such as watching The Chosen together over a shared meal.
Most importantly, it is saying hello to that person you don’t know. They may be new or returning or a little hesitant walking into a new situation.
It’s you and me sitting in the pews as often as we can. That’s how we can grow our church and grow in faith.