Our Services
St. James’ has a long tradition of offering a wide variety of worship opportunities to meet the spiritual needs of our diverse and growing congregation. All our Sunday services offer Holy Communion, and all baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion from our altar regardless of denomination or previous affiliation.
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
This service is for those who like to worship early and simply. A said service that uses the beautiful Elizabethan English of the Rite I Eucharist and makes the most of the powerful liturgy of the Anglican tradition, this service attracts a loyal band of worshipers who constitute an important and vital part of the St. James’ family.
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
with Organ and Choir
11:00 am
This service is a more traditional Episcopal service featuring
a festival Eucharist with musicians.
Holy Eucharist Family Friendly Service with Praise Band
This Service will follow a simpler liturgy and last about 40 or 45 minutes. We will enjoy worship music lead by our praise band, and keep things nice and crisp for our younger members and those with shorter attention spans!
Coffee & Fellowship
All morning
A great way to meet old friends and to make new friends!
If you worship at 8am, coffee is available straight after the service and then there will be coffee out all morning until after the 11am service. So feel free to come early or stay afterwards for either the 9:30am or 11am service.